Since 1978 - Over 100,000 Pianos Moved

Full Insurance Included Call Monday Through Saturday

We Move Tuesday Through Saturday

Limits and Liabilities

Limits and Liabilities

We strive to provide the best possible service from the first contact to the final invoice. We have been in business for over 40 years. We have lasted this long by offering stellar customer service and amazing moving services. There are however some concerns that should be discussed before we move your piano.

Our office staff attempts to ask and clarify all possible scenarios that could cause an increase in manpower or price. There are circumstances that arise during moves that are beyond anyone’s control. Things that are not thought of as possible concerns.

We can’t know about potential issues on your site unless we are told about them, for example stairs, tight turns, low overhead, ice patches, construction projects, etc. Although we do attempt to ask all questions, please freely share information regarding past construction projects, weather issues, landscaping concerns or anything else that could have a bearing on your piano move. If we encounter obstructions that will alter our usual move process additional charges could be assessed, for example, if we need to go on bow in order to make a turn.

If we are unable to complete the move due to lack of information provided, condtions we can not be aware of, or if the customer changes their minds without notifying Keyboard Carriers prior to the move date we will charge a Dry Run fee of $40.00. If there was a mileage charge assessed originally for the move, an additional mileage charge will also be assessed.

We understand how important both a home and a piano are, monetarily and sentimentally. Our goal is to not have any mistakes made during a move. However, we are human and accidents happen. Unfortunately, mistakes made with a piano are a lot louder and more nerve-racking then mistakes made when moving a box of clothing. Our men are honest, respectful and conscientious. They try to be aware of their surroundings at all times during a move.

They will accept responsibility for any damage that they may cause to a piano or a home. They know that we have companies that we call to repair dry wall, wood/trim and pianos etc. We do not paint. There is no way we could have paint to match all homes. We will repair the drywall/wood however staining or painting the repairs are the responsibility of the customer/homeowner.

Usually all repairs can be completed on site. If the piano has to be removed to a refinisher or our warehouse, no additional charges are incurred. We will not finalize payment for the initial move until the damage caused by us has been corrected. We will then collect for the initial move. We will not repair damage that was existing or caused by other companies. We do request that any damage be reported within 24 hours of a move. Unfortunately damage reported after the 24 hr time frame can be refused.

A piano is heavy. Please be aware of the path that we will need to take to get the piano into the position or room that you are wanting. This path includes the exterior of your home and your landscaping. Although the men are trained and can complete very amazing moves they are not invincible and there are some places that we can not put pianos. We have specially built piano dollies. They have larger, rubber casters that generally don’t cause damage to any flooring. You can request to have padding placed down before we roll the piano over your flooring. You can even request that we lay down padding and then plywood to protect your floors, this is an additional $100.00. If floors become damaged due to the weight of the piano or due to poorly installed, aged or inferior flooring products we will not be held responsible for the repairs. Please inspect your premises and be aware of the weight of the piano that will be moved over them.

It is very important when purchasing a used piano that you have inspected it thoroughly. Sometimes when looking to purchase a used piano, there may not be a lot of time to look over all sides of the piano, or due to the lighting or how it is positioned all sides of the piano are not viewable. We can not be held responsible for damage that was preexisting on the piano whether it was noted prior to the purchase or not. Often the change in lighting or position can expose scratches, sun damage, watermarks, previous repair work or other damage. Please be aware of these possibilities.

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